Sunday, April 27, 2008


Ok I’m going to cover 4 sections of IRC each one a little bit more complicated I'll start with installing and setting up the client then move onto the regular end user move it Channel OPering (CHOP) then go onto IRCopering the server I will be using in this tutorial is and the client I will be using is XCHAT ok lets get cracking!

first off your going to need a client XCHAT is my personal favorite or for a direct windows version download is the current version as of 9/12/04

install xchat and setup your Nick second nick user name and real name like
Root is what I have it setup as although its probably not a good idea to run as root so you may as well just use your screen name

now go to add and it will pop up something in the network list saying "New Network" type in the name of the network in this case ShockNET
now while having ShockNET highlighted click edit
this will pop up the network editor
at the top you will see Servers hit add again and this time type in which is as of now the only ShockNET server
*note the server will not automatically be able to where you can enter text into it so left click it once (took me a while to figure that one out...) and the options it has below are Channels to join Connect command and and Nickserv password Channels to join in this case would be #chaos-security (all channels start with #) separated by commas you can join more then one channel, mine is this #dementialtorrents, #chaos-security,#hack,#shocknet
the connect command is any commands you would like to be automatically executed when you first join the server once you have the network setup highlight the network and click connect

lets say you dont have any channels setup to join when you start you will have to join then manually which is easy simply type
/j #chaos-security


/j #chaos-security

first thing you should do when joining a server is register your nick
to do this type
/msg nickserv register password e-mail address
replace password with your password and e-mail address with a valid e-mail address like
/msg nickserv register j00cann0tcraxthisp4ssw0rd

you will need a registered nick to CHOP and to prevent nick theft if you join a server and someone it on your registered nick simply type
/msg nickserv ghost yournick yourpassword
/msg nickserv ghost blueinferno j00cann0tcraxthisp4ssw0rd

a few basic commands as a regular user are
*Blueinferno action
what it does
*Blueinferno makes a jackass of himself yet again

/j #channel
connects you to channel #channel (a channel is what a lot of people would refer to as a chatroom)

/part #chaos-security reason
/quit reason
disconnects you form the server
/quit see ya guys later

CHOPering Channel OPering
if you feel the need to make your own channel here are a few things your going to need to know
please note that for more into simply type /msg chanserv help or /msg chanserv help *command* so first your going to need to register your channel if you want to keep it you must have a registered nick to have a channel!
to register is type
/msg chanserv register #channel password description
/msg chanserv register #chaos-security j00cann0tcraxthisp4ssw0rd the official channel for !
here are some commands to use on your channel
*****/kick nick reason

if skiddie comes back

*****/mode +(mode)
+t only opers can set topic
+m only voices and opers can speak
+n I kinda forgot
+l 1337 (sets channel limit to 1337)
or you can use /mode nick mode
/mode blueinferno +o
/mode blueinferno +q
/mode blueinferno +v
/mode blueinferno +h
o = op
q = founder (mega op)
v = voice
h=half op

to make people auto ops or auto SOPs (super ops) type
/msg chanserv AOP add #chaos-security Blueinferno
blueinferno being that person's nick
to make them a SOP just change AOP into SOP or you can right click on their nick on the right side of the window and do all this
changes the topic
/topic Jesus pwns j00!

this is where I get to have all of my fun
there are 3 levels of IRCops
Im root bitches
to become an OPer you need o:lines which must be given by the network owner server owner or someone with a shell login or you can root the server with the IRC daemon and give them to yourself (I ONLY DID THAT ONCE!) Razz heh oper commands

kicks someone off the server
/kill spency because I have o:lines and you dont
bans them from the server
/kline hotmask reason
/shun (auto kill)
wont let a nick connect to the server
/shun spency because here I AM GOD
/gline is a global kline just for all servers

as an IRCop you can become a CHOP in any channel you want to and dont abuse you o:lines because it just aint cool
forces someone to join a channel
/sajoin spency #fags
/sapart makes someone part a channel

for a u:lined server you can also use svsnick which will let you change someone nick /svsnick spency backstabbingpolesmoker

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